


Insider secret #3

This is a secret no one likes to talk about. However, if you are someone facing this situation the last thing you need is a bill collector harrassing you. I believe that once YOU know what your rights are then THEY will back off. Millions of consumers may have accounts in collections with a third-party […]

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Insider secret # 2

It’s a sinking feeling you get the moment you realize something is very wrong with your bank and/or credit card account. Someone has used your account..someone has your information..I believe its..its..identity theft? What do you do to protect yourself and correct this grievous mistake? Here is your checklist. 1) Immediately close the account that you […]

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Insider Secret #1

Today I want to give everyone an insider tip. Honestly, its one of the simple joys in my life. I take pleasure in giving people little nuggets of knowledge that make life just a bit easier or simplier. Have you ever wondered, as you go through your mail, how on earth you get SO MANY […]

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7 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet

7 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet I am not going to add in the cost of the pet because most individuals figure that in, whether it is free or not. 1. Does the animal need to be spade or neutered? If you adopt, this is usually in the fee. If you do not […]

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