Community Education

by cccozarks

Credit Education
Credit education on financial issues is a major priority of Consumer Credit Counseling Service. Our goal is to educate individuals and families before a problem occurs. We provide a number of presentations on Budgeting, Credit Cards(and other loans), Consumer Rights and Establishing and Building A Better Credit Record. These sessions are presented in public and private schools, colleges, church groups, civic clubs, along with trade and business organizations. Classes are also presented in our on-site Credit Education Center. Also provided is a home study course called “Credit When Credit is Due” that helps you fit the pieces of your financial puzzle back together. This course can also provide a way to add a positive statement on your credit report.


To schedule a free presentation, call (417)889-7474 and speak to the Director of Education.


Budgeting Classes

CCCS of Springfield understands how important it is to have a workable budget. Our budgeting classes are designed to give the basic information about budgeting and tips for successful budgeting. We will deal with goal-setting, saving, and the importance of paying all bills on a timely basis. It is not always easy to make sense of all the different “budgets” that you come across. Our class will give you an understanding of how important maintaining a budget is. It will show you ways to save money through simple budgeting steps. Most people do a good job of managing their money. However, the advice that we give during these classes can make the difference between doing a good job and doing a great job.


Credit Education In The Classroom

Almost all adults have a checking account, a loan of some sort and at least one credit card. How many people has a class in school to teach them how to use these things properly? We feel that it is very important to teach our young people about budgeting, credit and how it works, and how to use credit wisely. These are things they will be dealing with for the rest of their lives. That is why CCCS of Springfield offers a wide variety of presentations dealing with these issues. These presentations are easily adapted for students of all ages.


Business and Community Education

CCCS of Springfield recognizes the importance of an individual’s financial wants and needs. We provide education in all areas of personal finance through private consultation and group presentations. Education allows the consumer to gain control of his/her finances and successfully manage money through the use of a budget and the proper use of credit. Our education staff offers a wide variety of personal finance presentations to groups, students and employees. The education staff will also tailor presentations to your group’s specific needs.


Housing Counseling

In 2005, CCCS of Springfield became a HUD certified housing counseling agency. CCCS is currently providing homebuyer education, prepurchase counseling, mortgage default & deliquency, loss mitigation, and reverse mortgage counseling. You can contact Tonya Collister, Director of Housing at 417-889-7474 ext 35.


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