Credit Karma

by cccozarks

Happy Friday everyone! Today I want to tell you about this great tool anyone can use for free to track their credit score. Normally, I wouldn’t recommend something like this because there is usually a catch or a cost to the consumer. With Credit Karma, everything is free to the consumer; the website is sponsored by advertisers which are typically credit card companies. Its not an “in your face” advertising nor does it get in the way of use this great tool.

After you set up your profile, you can access your credit report and score. The site will allow you to receive email updates when your credit score changes. One of the most useful parts of the site is the credit simulator. You can experiment with a variety of “what if” scenarios on what will improve your credit score or what will make it worse. So, take some time this weekend and find out where you stand with your credit score and give this site a try. It is