Credit & Budget Counseling

Looking for a safe way to get out of debt?

A debt management program might be right for you.
We know that understanding your credit score and the factors that impact it can seem like a difficult task. Our tools and services can improve your understanding and credit score.

Credit Report Review

Looking for a better understanding of your credit score?

Consider getting a credit report review.

Our certified professionals can assist you with obtaining a copy of your credit report. Your counselor can answer questions you may have and identify factors that are lowering your credit score, such as errors or fraud. The knowledge you will gain will enable you to take action to improve your credit score.

Credit Education/Financial Seminars

Credit education on financial issues is a major priority

To reach our goal of educating individuals and families before a problem occurs, CCCS offers several financial seminars and credit education courses. We provide presentations on:

  • Budgeting
  • Credit Cards (and other loans)
  • Consumer Rights
  • Establishing and Building A Better Credit Record
  • Avoiding Predatory Lending

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the Credit Bureaus?

CCCS is here to help you when you are most in need. You can contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by visiting their website here. You can also submit a complaint against a creditor by visiting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) here.